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A Fan's Actor!!!!!!!!!!!
A Honor!!!!!
A Star for A Star!
Actor Lance Henriksen
Actress Monique Dupree
All Around Entertainer
An Actor's Actor
Animal Adore Lance
Animals Adore Lance
Animals Like Lance!!!!!!
Art of Communicating
Artist/Actor Actor/Artist
Artistic Environment
AVP2 with Lance Henriksen
Award from Fan
Baby Boomers
Be Careful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be Good To Yourself!!!!
Be Wise!!!!!!!!!!!
Blogging Beats Stress!!!!
Bring It On!
Bring It!!!!!!!!!!!!
Business Class 101
By A Special Fan!!!!!!!!
By the Fans From the Fans
Caring is Beautiful!!!!!!
Celebrity Addresses
Comics, Why Not?
Creative Artistry
Deep Artist
Did it change the man?
Different Kind of Lance
Don't Blink You're Miss
Don't Stop Trusting
Early On
Ever Changing
Family is Everything!!!!!
Fan Knows She is Alive!!!
Fan Review of Antibody
Fans Feel Special
Feel the Despair!!!!!!
For the Fans!!!!!!!
For the Fans!!!!!!!!
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Great Happy Hour Movie
Great Work!!!!
Hard Lesson to Learn
How many bigfoots exist?
Inside A Blogmaster
Is he really nice?
Is this for real!!!!!!!
It's On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Join Us!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lance Henriksen
Lance Henriksen Quotes
Lance is a Teddy Bear!!!!
Lance is so popular!!!!
Lance Makes Me Speechless
Lance Rocks!!!!!!!!
Lance Was Great
Lance Will Not Disappoint
Lifetime Achievement
Listen to the Fans
Looking Good!!!!!!!
Make Me Beg!!!!!!!!!
Man with a Heart of Gold
Marine Life
Method Acting
Most Liked!!!!!!!!!
Move On!!!!!!!!!
Movie about Iraq
Movie is a Classic!!!!!
Need Fan Input
Neverending Story
News from Topix.Net
Nobody Like Lance H.
Not What the Fans Expecte
Premature Cancellation!!!
Professor Lance Henriksen
Rare But It Happens!!!!!
Read Books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember All Fans!!!!!
Review of Movie
Shakira: Hips Don't Lie
Simply Beautiful!!!!!!!!!
Star Wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still A Favorite
Still has It!!!!
Stop asking why?
Stop Horsing Around!!!!
Super Fans!!!!!
Super Fans!!!!!!!
Super Fans!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Ending
Too Perfect!!!!!!!!!
Treat for the Fans
Truely Special
What about the fans??????
Worth the Re-Watch
Worth the Wait
You can count on Lance
You Need Super Fans!!!!!
About Actor/Artist Lance Henriksen by Lafemmenikita07
Friday, August 2, 2013
The Good Old Days Actors and Fans Kicking It at Conventions
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Zombies

Actor Ken Foree has played in all types of roles.  One role he is most known for is playing or beating the heck out of Zombies.  Ken and his colleagues are several types of Icons. Ken is also a Zombie Icon. However, I don't know whether any of the Zombie Icons were consulted during the making ot the movie "World of Z".

Until the movie "World of Z", I haven't seen zombies moving that quickly trying to climb over a giant wall while falling all over each other. 

Have Zombies mutated to becoming stupid? I don't think so.  

These are solely the comments of Lafemmenikita07 and Associates and no input whatsoever was provided by Actor Ken Foree.

One of our associates had a great time kicking it with Actor Ken Foree at a past Fangoria Convention.

By Lafemmenikita07





Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 4:00 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, August 2, 2013 4:55 AM PDT
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Andy Rooney on Prayer
Mood:  happy
Topic: Art of Communicating





Andy Rooney and Prayer

Andy Rooney says:
I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm not going to sue somebody for singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December.
I don't agree with Darwin , but I didn't go out and hire a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his theory of evolution.
Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered in any way because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game.
So what's the big deal?
It's not like somebody is up there reading the entire Book of Acts. They're just talking to a God they believe in and asking him to grant safety to the players on the field and the fans going home from the game.
But it's a Christian prayer, some will argue.
Yes, and this is the United States of America , and Canada , countries founded on Christian principles. According to our very own phone book, Christian churches outnumber all others better than 200-to-1.
So what would you expect --
somebody chanting Hare Krishna?
If I went to a football game in Jerusalem ,
I would expect to hear a Jewish prayer.
If I went to a soccer game in Baghdad ,
I would expect to hear a Muslim prayer.
If I went to a ping pong match in China ,
I would expect to hear someone pray to Buddha.

And I wouldn't be offended. It wouldn't bother me one bit.

When in Rome ....
But what about the atheists?
Is another argument.
What about them?
Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're not going to pass the collection plate. Just humour us for 30 seconds. If that's asking too much, bring a Walkman or a pair of ear plugs Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call their lawyer! Or, just exercise their right to leave this country!
Unfortunately, one or two will call their lawyer.
One or two will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don't think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake the world's foundations.
Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while our courts strip us of all our rights.
Our parents and grandparents taught us to pray before eating, to pray before we go to sleep.
Our Bible tells us to pray without ceasing.
Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to cease praying.

God, help us. And if that last sentence offends you, well, just sue me.
The silent majority has been silent too long. It's time we tell that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority doesn't care what they want!
It is time that the majority rules!
It's time we tell them, "You don't have to pray; you don't have to say the Pledge of Allegiance; you don't have to believe in God or attend services that honor Him.
That is your right, and we will honor your right;
but by golly,
you are no longer going to take our rights away.
We are fighting back, and we WILL WIN!"
God bless us one and all...Especially those who denounce Him, God bless America and Canada , despite all our faults, we are still the greatest nations of all.
God bless our service men who
are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship God.


Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 8:29 PM PST
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Following Links Can Leave to Great Genre Sites and other News
Mood:  happy
Topic: Foreplay!!!!!!


- After Dark Productions
- Alien Almanac
- All Horror Movies
- Arrow in the Head
- Bloodtype Online
- Bloody Good Horror
- Bloody Messy Girls
- Film Festivals
- B-Scared
- Bums Corner
- Camp Blood
- Cemetery Gate Productions
- Cinema de Bizarre
- Darkworld Inc.
- Dark Art Store
- Dark Angel's Realm of Horror
- Dark Web Online
- Dead-Central
- Diabolical Dominion
- Digital Sky
- Disapeared, The
- Don Calfa Official Site
- DVD Holocaust
- DVD House of Horror
- DVD Trash
- Eat My Brains
- Evil Dead Chainsaws
- Evil Dread
- Evil Extreme
- Fatally Yours
- Fear the Dead
- Film Apocalypse
- Film Asylum, The
- Film Fan Addict
- Fright Bytes
- Free Ones
- Fright-Rags
- Gore Galore
- Gore-Hound
- Grave-Orc
- Graveyard Records
- Halloween Costumes
- Head Stone City
- HM&M
- Horror 101
- Horror Attic
- Horror Comic Strip, The
- Horror Film History
- Horror Find
- Horror Mayhem
- Horror Review, The
- Horror Society
- Horror Source
- Horror Stew
- Horror Theater Video
- Horror View
- Horror World
- House of Mysterious Secrets
- Inked Nation
- Inzomniac's Movie Madness
- It's Only a Movie - The largest and most successful dating site for Gothic friends and singles in the world. - The largest and most successful dating site for Gothic friends and singles in the world.  
Vote For Us @ DarkTopSites - The Best Horror Sites On The Net VOTE FOR ZWN AS THE BEST HORROR SITE HERE Banner Exchange - It's all here in this directory of horror related sites. - Great Zombie site - Art & artists - The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency - Excellent site - Very nicely put together site. - Great site for Horror DVD's - An essential source for Horror fiction - Not a Zombie site I know. But we love these guys. Their bumper stickers are great - Get yourself immortalized as a necro. Very original idea. - For when you want to send a scary greeting card to someone - This is a fun site. Lots of original flash animation. Your spooky site for Halloween greetings These guys are helping to keep our neigborhoods safe from the undead
How to make love like a Zombie - By Nathan Tyree. Come on, you know you want to. - Excellent site, intent on collecting proof of the impending Zombie holocaust - When the dead go shopping, they shop here.





Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 3:53 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, August 6, 2008 4:24 PM PDT
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008


 Try AVON E-Commerce at AVON

Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 11:44 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, January 14, 2011 10:28 PM PST
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Saturday, May 24, 2008
Looking for BigBoo44
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Deep Artist



Dog: Avoid all humans that you

see contantly emailing and

texting.  They are setting

themselves up not to need other

human beings around them. 

Those machines.

Birdie:  I feel like the character


Connor in Terminator 2


with former actor and now Mayor


Arnold Schwarzenegger.


I could blow the shit out of a


machine right now. 


Any images used are not intended for

infringement but only used to

promote the actor and their

respective bodies of work in the film

industry, etc.




Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 4:10 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, August 4, 2008 12:53 PM PDT
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Friday, March 7, 2008


Comics Books

Anime & Manga


Models and Toys


Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 12:06 PM PST
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008



Writing and Analyzing

Tips on Loglines and Synopses

Character Development Secrets: 7 Steps to Developing Real People Who Will Bring your Fiction to Life
- Corey Blake of Writers of the Round Table

Important Facts About Writing a Synopsis or Treatment
- David Freeman of Beyond Structure.

The Art of Effective and "Saleable" Screenwriting
- Joseph K. Landsman of The Woofenill Works, Inc.

How to Analyze Your Script Like a Pro
- Derek Rydall of

Bullet-Proof Your Script Against Reader Rejection
- Derek Rydall of

What Not to Write
- Ellin Stein of Solid Script Services, a script consultancy service.

The Lost Language of Story
- Chris Soth of Million-Dollar Screenwriting.

Using Theme and Arc to Generate Characters
- Chris Soth of Million-Dollar Screenwriting.

Pay Attention Or, 16 Emails = $16,000
- James Mercurio, writer and script analyst

Marketing Your Work

Interviews with Produced Writers
- A conglomeration of answers writers have given InkTip regarding getting their scripts produced.

Ten Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters
- Derek Rydall of

7 Pitching Tips from Ancient Myth to Modern Media
- Pamela Jaye Smith, MYTHWORKS

Pitching Made Purrfect
- Devorah Cutler-Rubenstein of Noble House Entertainment.

Tips on Marketing and Promotion
- Jerrol LeBaron

Tips on Submitting your Script
- Jerrol LeBaron

The Art of Submission
- Philippa Burgess, literary manager at Mason/Burgess/Lifschultz.

The Art of Query
- Philippa Burgess, literary manager at Mason/Burgess/Lifschultz.

Get Your Script Noticed
- Billy Mulligan of Jane Startz Productions.

Follow Up and Follow Through
- Philippa Burgess, literary manager at Mason/Burgess/Lifschultz.

The Schmooze Factor
- Philippa Burgess, literary manager at Mason/Burgess/Lifschultz.


The Job of the Producer
- Maia Peters

The Truth About Producers
- Brent Sterling Nemetz of Sterling Films

Producers and Writers
- Timothy Scott of Aurora Productions

Source: Ink Tip 

Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 12:24 AM PST
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
Super Fans of Actors Steven Segal and Lance Henriksen Get Two for One
Mood:  amorous
Topic: Excited!!!!!!!!!
Super fans of Actors Steven Segal and Actor/Artist Lance Henriksen are in for a real treat next year.  Lance is to appear in Actor Steven Segals' movie "Marker" scheduled for release in 2008.  We can't recall whether these actors have done a movie together.   However, Nik, our Blogmaster, is overwhelmed with joy because she is an avid fan of Actor Steven Segal and of course Actor/Artist Lance Henriksen.   More to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care of your body
By BabyGirl07 

Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 12:16 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, January 14, 2011 10:31 PM PST
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Friday, August 10, 2007

"Calif. Court Says Bloggers Can't Be Sued

State's Supreme Court said a federal law gives immunity from libel suits

By Pete Williams
Justice Correspondent
NBC News
Updated: 11:28 a.m. PT Nov 20, 2006"

Forget about being sued.

Our viewers want to know what

to do about frivolous lawsuits,

erroneous criminal complaints

and/or threats of bodily harm

by people in the genre industry 

against Blogmasters,

Webmasters, and Bloggers.


"The decision ( is a victory for Internet free speech advocates, who warned that a contrary outcome could have affected users of newsgroups, blogs, listservs, and bulletin boards who enter those forums to discuss the views of others.  A loss could even have jeopardized websites run by students to evaluate their professors, said the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation in friend of court briefs."



Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 8:17 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, August 10, 2007 8:34 PM PDT
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Go For it Lance Henriken Buffs - Tell Us About this Photo
Mood:  special
Topic: For Worldwide Fans
Do You know What This Photo Shoot Was For?
How Much Do You Know About Actor/Artist Lance Henriksen? 
Test Your Knowledge!!!!!! 



Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 8:36 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, January 14, 2011 10:36 PM PST
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Friday, August 3, 2007

For those of you that haven't met or know Actor Lance Henriksen if there was a word for "Diva' for men Lance would be it. 

The actor behind Lance and the depth is extraordinary. 

The inner being that has developed as he gracefully aged is like looking upon the eyes that no human has done. 

His communications ability to talk to people and fans of all ages, creeds, colors, nationalities, and languages is impeccable. 

I am not in love with Actor Lance Henriksen the actor, artist , and man.  I am in love with the principles by which he lives his life, treats other human beings, and his sake for our most scared gift - life. 

Live it to the fullest.  His touch is soft and securing and his jokes and laughter is outragous. 

Lance's no nonsence approach to his personal life and his quiet private time is one of peace, slapstick humor and simplicity. 

Take the opportunity to meet this magnificient man while he is living. 

For those that do not know him let me introduce you to Actor/Artist Lance Henriksen.



By Rather Tenenious Friend-Girl and Super Fan of Actor/Artist Lance Henriksen. 

Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 7:08 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, December 9, 2010 7:10 PM PST
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Letting Go Is Hard
Mood:  sad
Topic: Art of Communicating



Little Chick:  What's wrong Big Dog?

Big Dog:  I lost somebody I thought would be a good friend.

Little Chick:  What do you mean?  

Big Dog:  Well, he is in a different "breed" and we didn't understand each other.

Little Chick:  You couldn't find a mutual ground.

Big Dog:  Apparently not.  I mean I kept trying and just about each time I thought we were "jamming" together things would blow up.  Often, I did not know something had blown up.

Little Chick:  What was wrong with the communication?

Big Dog:  That's it.  There wouldn't be any communication.

Little Chick:  You mean he wouldn't communicate when things had blown up.

Big Dog: Exactly.  Then when I would reach him all this stuff had been built up and there would be an explosion by him. 

Little Chick:  What now?

Big Dog:  There was another major "blow up" and I decided to walk a way.  

Little Chick:  Then why do you look so sad?

Big Dog:  I really wanted him as my close friend so I invested so much emotional energy.  It hurts.  However, I think I made the best decision for me. 

Little Chick:  Well, do what I do.  When the going gets rough I watch a DVD with Actor Lance Henriksen in it.  It helps for a while. 

The key is to fill the void with positive distractions and try to stop having self-defeating thoughts and self-pity parties.

I mean it sounds like he would not have been a good friend with those lack of communication skills and conflict resolution abilities. 

So frate it!!!!!!!!!

Big Dog:  I know you are right Little Chick.   

Little Chick:  Follow me.

Big Dog:  Where are we going?

Little Chick:  We are going to look through my mom's Lance Henriksen's DVD collection for some DVDs for you to watch. 

Big Dog:  Little Chick you act like watching Actor Lance Henriksen DVDs is the "cure all" for everything.  

Little Chick:   I know it is not the "cure all"; however, every little bit helps and this is a good start.

Big Dog:  You are right.  I enjoy watching Actor Lance Henriksen DVDs.  In addition, Lance's lifetime achievements shows that if you get knocked down just get back up and dust yourself off and move on. 

Little Chick:   That's it.  You have to start somewhere.  Then distract yourself so you will not think so much about the outcome of the relationship with your potential friend.  You are going to be okay Big Dog.  I know your heart and it is red. 

Your potential friend's heart sounds like it could be "dark" or "black".  I know you are a "bleeding heart" and do not like to give up on things.  However, you can not help him and your continued involvement could get worse for you.

Big Dog:  You are right and wise for such a little chick. How did you obtain all this information?

Little Chick:   From watching my mother's collection of Actor Lance Henriksen's DVDs.

Big Dog:  Are you getting some type of endorsement for this?

Little Chick:  No. 


By Ice Ice Princess for BabyGirl07 


Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 8:58 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 10:49 PM PDT
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My name is Token07. 
Nik, our Blogmaster,  wanted to remind
that this site is for the fans especially
Super Fans that enjoy the various genres. 
We can not focus on everybody's favorite celebrity. 
Hence this blogsite is about
The Lifetime Achievements of Actor Lance Henriksen

Any images used are not intended for

infringement but only used to

promote the actor and their

respective bodies of work in the film

industry, etc.


  Check my blogs out at: communicating (The Art of Communicating Using Many Forms) ; (Blog site About Actor/Artist Lance Henriksen by Lafemmenikita07);  (The Art of Women).






Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 11:17 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 11:30 AM PDT
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Actor James Woods Mistaken for Actor Lance Henriksen by a 10 Year Old
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lance is so popular!!!!



The two actors in my opinion do not resemble each other.  However, for a 10 year old kid that only watches the Disney Channel and DVDs chosen and screened by the parents  what can you expect.  In addition, she doesn't drink sodas too.

Nik's relative walked into the entertainment/office room while Nik was watching Actor James Wood "do his thing" on television and was taken by surprise when the 10 year old asked was the man on the tv Actor Lance Henriksen.  Nik replied no.  However, later on Nik wondered how did the 10 year relative know about Actor Lance Henriksen.

Then Nik realized the relative must have observed her working on/or updating her blog site About Actor/Artist Lance Henriksen.   Well if Lance is at an event that the Actor thought was child approriate for his own young daughter then perhaps Nik's young relative can see him.  How now other than watching Tarzan and listening to the voiceover for Kerchek is the closest the 10 year old is going to get to Lance's work.

By BabyGirl07  for Lafemme Nikita07 and Associates 


 Any images used are not intended for infringement but only used to promote the actor and their respective bodies of work in the film industry, etc.



Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 2:50 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 1:00 AM PDT
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Calif. Court Says Bloggers Can't Be Sued
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Bring It On!




Calif. Court Says Bloggers Can't Be Sued

State's Supreme Court said a federal law gives immunity from libel suits


By Pete Williams
Justice Correspondent
NBC News
Updated: 11:28 a.m. PT Nov 20, 2006

The California Supreme Court ruled Monday that bloggers and participants in Internet bulletin board groups cannot be sued for posting defamatory statements made by others.

In deciding a case closely watched by free speech groups, the court said a federal law gives immunity from libel suits not only to Internet service providers, like AOL, but also to bloggers and other users of their services.

"Subjecting Internet service providers and users to defamation liability would tend to chill online speech," today's unanimous ruling said.

The decision ( is a victory for Internet free speech advocates, who warned that a contrary outcome could have affected users of newsgroups, blogs, listservs, and bulletin boards who enter those forums to discuss the views of others.  A loss could even have jeopardized websites run by students to evaluate their professors, said the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation in friend of court briefs.

The case involved a lawsuit against Ilena Rosenthal, a women's health activist, who created an e-mail list and a newsgroup ( to discuss issues related to breast implants.  Six years ago, she posted a letter written by a man who was highly critical of the efforts of a doctor to discredit advocates of alternative health treatments.

In the letter, the doctor, Terry Polevoy, was accused of trying to get an alternative medicine radio program canceled by using "scare tactics, stalking, and intimidation techniques" against the program's producer.  Polevy, who maintained a website himself to expose what he called "health fraud and quackery" sued Rosenthal for libel.

She argued that because she did not write the letter herself and instead posted the work of another to her newsgroup, she was immune from suit under a section of the federal Communications Decency Act, passed by Congress in 1966.  It protects both Internet service providers and their users from lawsuits.

In today's ruling, the California Supreme court said that granting such broad immunity for posting defamatory statements "has some troubling consequences."

Nevertheless, the court said, "Until Congress chooses to revise the settled law in this area" people who contend they were defamed on the Internet can seek recovery only from the original source of the statement, not from those who re-post it."


Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 2:45 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 9, 2007 2:49 AM PDT
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
What Do You Do After The Conventions Are Over To Get Ready For The Next Day?
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Be Good To Yourself!!!!



What  Do You Do After One Day of The Convention

Is Over To Get Ready For The Next Day? 


Products shown above are from Carol's Daughter

Traveling can be stressful even though you are having fun and often the symptons of stress on your body including face are not noticable because you are so excited about who you met and what you bought and on and on.  So, you want to know what Lafemmenitkita07 aka "Nik" does:


  • I run a bath with some type soothing herbal bubble bath with very hot water so I can do other things while the water is cooling down.  My herb of choice is lavendar for its calming effects.  I also like Sage, Aloe, and Cucumber.
  • While the bath is cooling I pamper my face.
  • I use high quality products to remove all makeup.  The removers are normally cream based. 
  • Then I clean my face; however, I do not use traditional soaps.  They are drying and too full of chemicals.
  • I use face cleaners made primarily in Italy and surrounding areas  from the finest ingredients I can afford that are imported and distributed in USA.
  • Afterwards, I normally use some type of toner to pick up any leftover dirt, make-up and/or particles left on my face.
  • Then I enter the bath water and soak for a while while using  body cleaners made with the least amount of chemicals and full of vitamins and herbs and are  also primarily made in Italy and surrounding areas.  My bubble bath products are also of the same quality and most important must pass the test of not causing infections, itching, and/or urinary problems. 
  • I only use the hotel soap on my hands if I do not bring my hand soap or I run out.  However, I have noticed at hotels such as the Sheraton and Raddison have fine designer soaps for your usage.  However, do not be deceived.  If you do not do this you should start and that is smell your hotel products.  If they have more of a chemical smell more than likely they may bother certain sensitive areas of your body.  I am speaking from experience and this advice is most for female and female children.
  • For my hair I use shampoo and conditioners from Nexsus, Paul Mitchell,  Carol's Daughter and Pantene.  Why so many different products?  It depends on the condition of my hair.  When I travel of course I do not bring all of these products.  I assess the condition of my hair before I leave. Believe or not the hair and its related roots can suffer from stress and fatique.
  • After my bath I apply products designed for the eye area, throat, and neck. In addition I apply products for my body and often special products for my feet.  The products selected for my feet depends on how much abuse they have had that day and/or I anticpate.
  • After the above described routine I will see what is on TV or watch a DVD on my portable DVD players and/or listen to music on my portable CD player.  My CD player is very small and sleek with fantastic sound by Sharper Image.  My portable DVD players are by Polarid and Mustek. 
  • I also evaluate that day's events and choose what I am going to wear the next date and what time I am going to go back to the Con.
  • Or sometimes I talk to friends of the Cell.  Super Fans do you know it is cheaper to use a calling card and your cell phone if you have unlimited long distance , no peek  hours, and no roaming hours.  Surreal!!!  I went to a hotel in  DC that charged 45% on top on whatever the charges incurred for the telephone in the room. 
  • I travel for a living and that is why I have so many little rituals to get through it all.  Anyway you want the experience to be as pleasant as possible.




Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 12:49 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, January 2, 2011 10:51 PM PST
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Hard Working Men
Mood:  happy
Topic: Bring It On!

 How can you call yourself an actor if you do not work.  You have to work.

This is Actor/Artist Lance Henriksen's Philosophy  regarding working as An Actor. 


Perhaps Actor/Artist Lance Henriksen should be entered in the Guinness Books of Records as one of the Actors and/or persons that works the most.


When does Lance have time to sleep and enjoy other pleasurable things? 



Does he sleep on the airplane, chartered jet or by car?  How does Lance keep these schedules of filming and appearing at conventions?

I have seen pictures of Lance solo at the FearNet
party in Hollywood lately; however, I think that was more job security in lieu of having a good time.  I mean wow the possibility of a 24-hour horror TV channel that is awesome and going to bring some new projects that would be great for Lance.

Lance Henriksen could teach us all a lesson in multi-tasking.  I know I could use some personal coaching from Lance Henriksen.  With over 125 films and over 25 years of experience I am sure Lance Henriksen could teach me a whole lot. 



Just look at the talent of this Actor, Lance Henriksen. 





And with a man that is “that in demand” Lance would not have been “solo” during and/or after the FearNet party if I was there.



















Rather Tenacious - Super Fangirl and Friend-girl of Actor Lance Henriksen.  Make-up by Brian of Wolfe Brothers Face Art & FX at .



Stay healthy Lance!!!!!!!!!!!!

By  Lafemmenikita07


Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 12:08 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, January 2, 2011 10:56 PM PST
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Nik's Contributing Associates
Mood:  rushed
Topic: By the Fans From the Fans





Nik's or Lafemmenikita07's Contributing Associate

"Diva03" On Her Way to Another Super Fan

Convention Event 


"Diva03" on the go to another convention!!!!!!!


Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 9:01 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, January 2, 2011 11:21 PM PST
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
Introducing Contributing Associate
Mood:  silly
Topic: Animals Adore Lance


Introducing Nik's aka Lafemmenikita07's


Associate Animal Lover "LittleDiva06" 


Have you read Nik's scripts regarding animals trying to locate Actor Lance Henriksen?  Well the pictures were provided by "LittleDiva06".

LittleDiva06 loves animals so Nik started writing  scripts about the animals and Lance.  LittleDiva06 just sent Nik more animal pictures so look out for more scripts about animals in the future.  Peace!!!!!!! 

Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 3:07 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:42 PM PST
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


By Lafemmenikita07

We all want Millennium as least as a movie.  However, I do not think anybody knows Millennium better than you the fans and Actor Lance Henriksen.

If Millennium comes back as a movie or series, I believe there should be as part of the pre and post production, Fan advisors as a regular part of the show.  

A lot of the original people involved in the creative directions of the prior series messed up badly.  I do not think we can do worst because we know at least by now what people like about Millennium and did not.

We also know parts of Millennium the series, scenes that just "did not cut it".  I know this is bold.  However, what do we have to lose?  Let's be more tenacious about what we want.  The creative control of Millennium needs to be shared and not rest in the hand of a few uninformed decision makers.  

Changing the story a little I recently watched  a  "read" meeting for the cast of  Battlestar Galacticia. At this read and other meetings the producers, directors, and especially the excutive producer, Ronald Moore, listened to what the cast had to say regarding a script  and their characters and direction of the show.  Some of the cast's ideas were included in the script and others were not.  The most important thing is their creativity regarding the show is encouraged by the executive producer and other top decision makers take the cast ideas seriously.   I spoke to Actors' James Callous and  Aaron Douglass about the show at some  recent conventions last year .  James told me that they do the above and Aaron listened to some plot ideas from me.  Now I know why Aaron was  interested in what I had to say.  My ideas about a certain aspect of the show I discussed with Aaron had been filmed.  Scouts honor I did not know about it!!!!! When the series started I could not believe it.  What I felt the public needed to see was there.  It was there all the time; however, Aaron (Chief) could not say anything,

Anyway let's consider revising our petition to request that  some well versed Millennium fans are included on the staff of the next Millennium as fan advisors. 
Let's sell ourselves that if the show and/or movies returns with a "bang" it could increase ratings and sales.  Just think there are approximately 3 to 5 Millennium fansites.  That is a lot of talent.  However, the fan advisers should not be film graduates that studied for years the old traditional ways of doing films with very little imagination.  It should be people like us.  We have lived the Millennium.

Thanks for reading this entry.  I hope somebody will take it seriously. Nothing can happen to us for making the suggestion.  Besides, the studio hasn't done anything yet.  However, this may be the "kick" they need.

What do we have to do?  We gave them statistics.  Now let's tell them as tactful as we can what really brought Millennium down.  That is the creative process was hindered.

I believe in this approach whole heartly.  What do you think?
Let's sell ourselves.  


 The Bring back Frank Black and make a Millennium movie Petition to Twentieth Century Fox was created by Lance Henriksen Magic, Millennium Desktop UK, The Millennial Abyss and written by Sue Myatt.  This petition is hosted here at as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. For technical support please use our simple Petition Help form.



"To:  Twentieth Century Fox


Chris Carter’s sci-fi horror series Millennium (1996-1999) has achieved cult status with fans around the world. The TV series had a profound impact on those who watched it; the lead character Frank Black, played by actor Lance Henriksen, was a true hero for our time and is loved by many. This is why Twentieth Century Fox should immortalise him in film.

There are some strong arguments to justify making a Millennium movie:

· Pre-sales of the new DVD box set, Millennium: The Complete First Season, have achieved a high sales rank at;
· The growing fan base for Millennium following the release of the DVD of the TV series, would mean an immediate, captive audience for DVD sales of the movie;
· The primary target audience for the movie would be 35-65 year-olds who represent the fastest growing cinema-going and DVD-buying audience;
· It would also appeal heavily to the 25-34 age group (particularly given the runaway success of the recent TV series, CSI), who account for 35% of all cinema-goers;
· The movie would allow a deeper development of Frank Black, giving a new angle on this intriguing character;
· Fans of both Millennium and Lance Henriksen are predominantly from eight of the largest cinema attending countries in the world.

The success of the movie will be dependent on two things: that Lance Henriksen is cast as Frank Black and a top rate script is developed. Lance’s portrayal of the troubled FBI profiler was breathtaking, creating one of the best TV characters of all time. Lance himself is keen to further develop the role; he has made it clear that he would like to do a Millennium movie.

Perhaps more importantly, there is a large potential market. Millennium’s largest fan bases are the US/Canada followed by the UK/Europe and Australia/Asia. These are all large cinema-attending countries:

US/CAN/MEXICO: 60% fan base; population - 428 m; percentage of 25 to 65-yr-olds - 55%; available audience - 235 m; total accessible audience - 141 m.

UK/EUROPE: 30% fan base; population - 536 m; percentage of 25 to 65-yr-olds - 53%; available audience - 284 m; total accessible audience - 85 m.

AUSTRALIA/ASIA: 10% fan base; population - 3,152 m; percentage of 25 to 65-yr-olds - 45%; available audience - 1,418 m; total accessible audience - 142 m.

The demographics support these audience figures. Whilst the 25 to 34-yr-old group represents 35% of all cinema attendees, the number of people over 35 yrs that are going to the cinema regularly has grown by nearly 200% over the last 6 years. Nearly three quarters of these go with their partner or spouse; of course, the movie will have a strong appeal for both.

Moreover, it is the older age groups that have both the disposable income and time to enjoy these pursuits: in the UK alone 11m people between the ages of 45-60 own 70% of the nation’s wealth. And over the last two decades consumption by the over 50s has risen by three times that of the rest of the population.

As we said at the start, the numbers add up. When box office return is so important to you, can you afford NOT to make this movie?

(* sources:, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Lance Henriksen Magic, Office of National Statistics)


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Posted by lafemmenikita07 at 12:21 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:44 PM PST
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